“Worry pretends to be necessary but serves no useful purpose.” ~Eckhart Tolle
Sejak tunggu result kenaikan pangkat ni...hati aku ada satu perasaan tak tenang. Tak tenang sebab apa lagi - dok terbayang panggilan ke Borneo. Ish...Minta selisih lah ye. Dah la tengah cuak, ditambah lagi dengan provokasi-provokasi yang tak sepatutnya.
Ada kengkawan plak, bukannya nak tolong menenangkan. Lagi nak tambah suruh cari kotak la...kemas meja la...kemas kain baju la...Serius menyampah / bengang weh. Mentang2 ler yang cakap tu dapat naik dan tak kena pindah, kau nak cuak-cuakkan (ada ke perkataan ni?) kawan kau plak. Tak cool la weh.
Aku sebenarnya dah malas nak melayan the words "P.I.N.D.A.H" ni. Salah satunya sebab result pun belum keluar, so ntah-ntah aku tak dapat pun. Kan ke membazir aku punya perasaan cuak tu.. So aku mengambil pendekatan untuk berdiam diri. Sebab kalau aku nak balas-membalas ni, macamkan confident je dapat, padahal masa interview tu, macam 50-50 je. Maybe la kengkawan aku ni dah 100% or 90% confirm dapat kot. Huhu...
Sapa-sapa terbaca blog aku ni, tolong doakan aku tak kena pindah ye...Tapi buat masa ni, aku nak mengenjoykan diri dulu la. Tak cool la nak risau benda-benda tak pasti ni...
Start living in the now
Stop worrying about the future or even the past. Start living in the moment you are in now. Focus on how you feel now and whats going on around you. Stop spending your time thinking and planning for events that may never happen at all. Take the time to stop and smell the roses.
Learn to accept things for how they are
Don’t worry about what might happen. Just learn to accept EVERYTHING that you come across in your life. If you accept it then it can’t bother you are cause you any stress.
Face your fears head on by figuring out the worse case scenario and coming to terms with it
If are worried about how a meeting at work might turn out. Then figure out the worst case scenario like you get fired. Is it really that bad? NO! Chances are you will have a new job in matter of time and go right on about your life. Sometimes things that seem really bad turn out better in the long run.
Embrace change and run with it
Life is always changing. You are always changing. Situations and people are always changing. Accept this fact. No matter how comfortable you have become with you current life things will change. The best way to handle this is to embrace the change and just flow with life.
Step back and realize how much of everything you cling to
If you are over attached to anything or anybody you need to step back and get a wake up call. You could lose it all in an instant and what really matters is what you have built up on the inside. Consider cleaning out your clutter and moving on with your life.
Don’t be afraid to mess up and make mistakes
So many great successes came shortly after failure. After all you can’t become successful unless you try. If you fear mistakes to much you may never even try at all.
Enjoy the unknown
Become excited when surprises enter into your life. Feel alive and live for the excitement and thrill when the unplanned happen. You will find this really does work. Even if you don’t believe it at first give it a try and you will begin to on your own.
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